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To be updated…
User Types
To be updated…
Client Admin
Client Admin …
Standard Users
Standard Users …
Dashboard Users
Dashboard Users …
External Users Type
External Users …
User Access Levels
There are two User Access Levels that are available to Ops Insights Users, Internal Users and External Users. Users are segmented into the two categories depending on if they work Inside or Outside of your organization. Internal Users and External Users are further defined below.
Internal Users
Internal Users …
Current Internal User Types
The User Types listed below are currently Internal Users in Ops Insights.
External Users
External Users …
Current External User Types
The User Types listed below are currently External Users in Ops Insights.
What are the Different Ops Insights User Types?
- Internal
This is someone that works at your company and uses their company email to login. This type of user should have an Internal Access Role assigned to their user.
- Internal - Ops Insights Client Administrator
- This is someone that works at your company, logs in with their company email, but has Administrator privileges for your company’s Ops Insights account. This person:
Approves or denies any report requests from other Internal users at your company
Can see all reports in the Report Library
Can add or remove Ops Insights users (Internal or External)
Assign one or more roles to an Ops Insights User
Create, update, clone or disable Access roles
Deploy Templated roles
See any billing or subscription information
Do all of the other things a normal Internal User can do (i.e. setup emailed reports, KPI alerts, etc.)
- External
This is someone that does not work for your company and uses an email outside of one of your company’s domains. They can receive emailed reports and access a dashboard but cannot view the Report Library, nor can they request any reports in the system. This type of user should have an External Access Role assigned to their user.
Are all users treated equally in Ops Insights?
No, Ops Insights only charges for Internal Users. External User and Dashboard users are free to our clients. This means that you can share information with external partners (i.e. clients, vendors, etc.) for free. You can choose to give them their own dashboards, send them emailed reports (aka Automated Deliveries) or both.
How Do I Setup a User for Someone in My Company?
To be filled in with description, screenshots and a video.
How Do I Setup a User for a Client or Vendor?
To be filled in with description, screenshots and a video.