Report Criteria







What are Report Criteria?

Report criteria are just filters that give the user the ability to hone in on the exact data that they would like to see. There are three levels of Criteria (i.e. filtering options) as noted in the Criteria Section.

The Report Level Criteria is the lowest level, meaning that the administrator of your Ops Insights account may have setup your Criteria in such a way that some of them may not be able to be changed. They do this by locking in certain Criteria (i.e. filtering options) on the Access Role Level. An example reason for doing this would be to only show a Branch Manager the files that relate to his or her branch ot to only show the files that correspond to a specific Sales Rep. They can also be used to only show information specific to a certain client, etc.

As long as you do not see a padlock next to a given Criteria option, then you are able to change it and further filter that report into a more focused data set.

Why Are Report Criteria Very Important?

They give you, the end user, and your company a lot of flexibility. By building all of these Criteria filtering options into each report, the report can be used in many more ways than ones that are hard coded with specific options. As noted above, they can be used to just show files for a specific branch, team, business unit, client or person.

Also, whenever you make changes to your business processes (which will produce different data in the system) and/or make Title Production System configuration changes, then these reports do not have to be rewritten when the Criteria Filtering Options are properly used. Your Ops Insights Client Admin can make a quick five (5) minute change with their login and update the Report Criteria options for everyone in organization that has that Access Role assigned to their user. That is a huge game changer as far as easily maintaining the accuracy of your reports as well as minimizing the time to do so.

What are Standard Report Criteria?

Standard Critera are just the standard filtering options that we build into any report we create, whether that is a Base Report or a Client Specific (aka “Custom” report). These Standard Criteria filtering options will vary slightly depending on which Title Production System that your company uses, but we have done our best to make them as uniform as possible across the board even though the amount and way each Title Production System stores their data is different.

Below are some screenshots from some different Title Production Systems that we support that give you an example of what the Standard Criteria (filtering options) look like.

Resware Standard Criteria:


Ramquest CCE Standard Criteria:


Ramquest One Standard Criteria:


Can I Add Additional Report Criteria?

Yes, we can add most any type of criteria that you would like us to. Just put in a Report Request for us to add any additional criteria to a report above and beyond the Standard Criteria set.